PSY190 (2020)
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Wednesday. | Reading (paper due) or Activity |
1. 1/15 | Introductions |
2. 1/22 | Chabris, C. F., Lee, J. J., Cesarini, D., Benjamin, D. J., & Laibson, D. I. (2015). The Fourth Law of Behavior Genetics. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(4), 304-312. doi:10.1177/0963721415580430 |
3. 1/29 | Simpson, E. A., Sclafani, V., Paukner, A., Kaburu, S. S. K., Suomi, S. J., & Ferrari, P. F. (2019). Handling newborn monkeys alters later exploratory, cognitive, and social behaviors. Dev Cogn Neurosci, 35, 12-19. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2017.07.010 |
4. 2/5 | Mattson, W. I., Cohn, J. F., Mahoor, M. H., Gangi, D. N., & Messinger, D. S. (2013). Darwin’s Duchenne: Eye constriction during infant joy and distress. PLOS ONE, 8(11), e80161. |
5. 2/12 | Ruvolo, P., Messinger, D., & Movellan, J. (2015).Infants Time Their Smiles to Make Their Moms Smile. PLoS ONE, 10(9), e0136492. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136492 |
6. 2/19 | Ainsworth, M. S. (1979). Infant-mother attachment. American Psychologist, 34(10), 932-937. Cummings, E. M., & Miller-Graff, L. E. (2015). Emotional Security Theory: An Emerging Theoretical Model for Youths’ Psychological and Physiological Responses Across Multiple Developmental Contexts. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(3), 208-213. doi:10.1177/0963721414561510 |
7. 2/26 | Golinkoff, R. M., Can, D. D., Soderstrom, M., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2015). (Baby)Talk to Me: The Social Context of Infant-Directed Speech and Its Effects on Early Language Acquisition. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(5), 339-344. doi: 10.1177/0963721415595345 Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Kuchirko, Y., & Song, L. (2014). Why Is Infant Language Learning Facilitated by Parental Responsiveness? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(2), 121-126. doi:10.1177/0963721414522813 |
8. 3/4 | Perry, L. K., Perlman, M., Winter, B., Massaro, D. W., & Lupyan, G. (2018). Iconicity in the speech of children and adults. Developmental Science, 21(3), e12572. doi:10.1111/desc.12572 Werker, J. F.,Yeung, H. H., & Yoshida, K. A. (2012).How Do Infants Become Experts at Native-Speech Perception? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(4), 221-226.doi: 10.1177/0963721412449459 |
9. 3/11 – SPRING BREAK – NO CLASS | |
10. 3/18 | Extended SPRING BREAK – NO CLASS |
11. 3/25. First Zoom Meeting. |
link Miller, G. E., & Chen, E. (2013). The Biological Residue of Childhood Poverty. Child Development Perspectives, 7(2), 67-73. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12021 Fagundes, C. P., & Way, B. (2014). Early-Life Stress and Adult Inflammation. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(4), 277-283. doi:10.1177/0963721414535603 |
12. 4/1 | Messinger, D. S., & Lester, B. M. (2007). Prenatal substance exposure and human development. In A. Fogel & S. Shanker (Eds.), Human Development in the 21st Century: Visionary Policy Ideas from Systems Scientists (pp. 225-232). Bethesda, MD: Council on Human Development. |
13. 4/8 | Perry, L. K., Prince, E. B., Valtierra, A. M., Rivero-Fernandez, C., Ullery, M. A., Katz, L. F., Laursen, B., Messinger, D. S. (2018). A year in words: The dynamics and consequences of language experiences in an intervention classroom. PLoS ONE, 13(7), e0199893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199893 |
14. 4/15 | Dawson, G., & Sapiro, G. (2019). Potential for Digital Behavioral Measurement Tools to Transform the Detection and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.5269 |
15. 4/22 | Martin, K. B., Haltigan, J. D., Ekas, N., Prince, E. B., & Messinger, D. S. Attachment security differs by later autism spectrum disorder: A prospective study. Developmental Science, n/a(n/a), e12953. doi:10.1111/desc.12953 |
16. 4/29 | Hoch, J. E., Rachwani, J., & Adolph, K. E. (in press). Where infants go: Real-time dynamics of locomotor exploration in crawling and walking infants. Child Development. |
15.5/6 | Final Assignment: Using and write one paragraph about a Developmental or Child Clinical Psychology Department faculty member including what they research, what courses they teach, and something else you found interesting about them. Also write a pretend email as if I were the professor, and ask whether you can get involved in their research. Combine the paragraph and the email into one document and submit as usual. |